Lawyer: Trial against Syracuse University could start by 2016

A lawyer for Cameron Group LLC, a developer suing SU for wrongfully terminating its contract, says the trial against the university could start by 2016. Frankie Priatel | Photo Editor
The trial in a case against Syracuse University concerning a proposed on-campus bookstore could begin within a year.
Cameron Group LLC, the private company hired to develop the new bookstore and fitness center on University Avenue, sued SU in July 2014 claiming the university wrongfully terminated their agreement. Cameron Group filed the lawsuit about a month after SU said they were canceling the contract to build the bookstore.
Plans to build a new bookstore are still unclear, said Kevin Quinn, SU’s senior vice president for public affairs. “We are still assessing that as part of the Campus Master Plan,” Quinn said.
SU cited construction delays and a lack of financing as reasons for ending the approximately $20 million project. Cameron Group claims the university submitted “many demands” for design revisions and changes to the terms of the deal that stalled construction, according to court documents. The document also claims that the various modifications were an attempt by Chancellor Kent Syverud “to kill the deal entirely.”
In March, the New York State Supreme Court approved an injunction barring the university from completing any construction on the University Avenue property, located near Marshall Square Mall. Both parties then agreed in June to a modification of the injunction that would allow SU to restore the property to its state before the construction at its own expense.
This means removing the wire fencing that currently blocks the sidewalk and bike path on part of the eastern side of University Avenue.
The lawsuit is now in discovery phase, wherein both parties can request documents or conduct depositions to be used as testimony, said John Cherundolo, Cameron Group’s attorney. Cherundolo said he believes the trial could begin by 2016.
SU’s Attorney, Jennifer Recline, was not immediately available for comment.