Duck: Lizzie Hart
Design Editor | Fall 2011- Fall 2012; Presentation Director | Spring 2013- Spring 2014

Natalie Riess | Art Director
The Daily Orange has been compared to a cult, a mafia, a fraternity, an island of misfit toys and an abusive relationship. For the past three years it has been my dysfunctional home away from home. Thanks for always letting me crash on the couch.
Becca- Your selflessness and infectious personality drove my time here. You taught us the way we should work — by showing, not telling. You gave your designers room to breathe and the assurance that everything would be OK. When you came back, your passion reminded me of why I was here. You shaped me to become the leader, person and designer I am and to always remember: this could be the beginning of the best. week. ever.
Ankur- You were a tough act to follow. You and Becca taught me that morale is everything, that being enjoyable to work with is just as important as being good at what you do. And you were both. Your willingness to try new things, push design and promote in-house hilarity made you the perfect PD. Thanks for coming back, being my rock and fighting The Dark Lord — err at least trolls — with me one paw print at a time.
Lindsay- From the Deep South, to the litter box, to Ann’s kitchen, to guide nights, you’ve become my right hand girl, wing woman and best friend. You’ve got great plans for pushing D.O. design further; I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I have the utmost faith in your taste as well as your strange noises, obsessions with strokes and Sherri to hold down the fort. Get ready for tons more awkward this summer and next spring. Meow.
Meredith- Our friendship is one of the best things I’ve gotten from this place. Not only are you humble, talented and a great listener — however, not so great secret keeper — you is kind, you is smart, you is important and you could get it. I’m incredibly excited for you to be in management next year; don’t lose sight of the improvements you hope to make. Just remember to make them earn you.
Beth- From cutest D.O. couple to the litter box, you’ve been along for the ride. I can count on you to call out the craziness that is this world. I can’t wait to make up for lost time come Spring 2015; I’m thinking wine tasting, skiing and Canada. I’ll be sure to be more careful about unplugging the fridge next year.
CDB- You bring me down to earth and put things in perspective. You really lightened up the place and were there for me when I thought of giving up. Ad-officing with you was the highlight of my nights and I loved when you would linger. After our questionable Pulp fronts, APPreciation, hula hoops and not going to yoga to eat, I’ll be your pivot whenever you need me to shut it down.
Maddy- Somewhere between bonding over leather goods in News to doing the text-on-photo dance, Maddy-Lizzie time became absolutely necessary. I could never get sick of your Spain references, style blogs or questions. I can’t wait to see you rule D.C., one shade of lipstick at a time.
Dan & Stephanie Lin– You guys are both extremely creative, talented designers. I miss the design pregames with your shenanigans.
AJ- If your writing career ever fails, there’s always Three Saltines to fall back on.
Shelly- Thanks for the constant supply of peanut butter rice cakes. Can’t wait to actually hang out like a normal person in the spring. F*ck Michigan.
Cheryl- You are so talented, it was great having you as a designer. Now if you could just give me some advice on copy editing, we’d be set.
Marwa- You were truly the full package going from news to design. We have a shared love for emerald green, WIRED, type and, most importantly, The D.O.
Allen- Thanks for the lip ointment and being my typeface dictionary. You are very unique, talented and at least 50 shades of qual.
Mara- Your sassy side combined with your incredible design eye is going to make you a rock star. Thanks for taking care of grandma when she was ill and lost her teeth.
Nick- We may not see eye to eye on color, but thanks for the great music lessons and sports quotes of the day. Give Lindsay hell.
Clare- Ever since your performance in the designer spelling bee I knew you didn’t belong in design. Jokes aside, remember your roots in Team Jubilat.
Chloe- Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color? Keep pushing yourself as a designer and corgi fan.
Mom Miester– Thanks for bringing Chloe into this world.
Jon- I mean, Nick, wait no, Jon —I appreciate your perceptive ability to read my various faces. I wish you’d stick around in design, but eh, sports is alright I guess?
Jenna- You inspired me so much when you would whip out kickass designs, and still leave with enough time to go to Chuck’s.
Katie- You gave me an appreciation for sports design, the holiness that is D.O. tradition and Whitney Houston.
Sam Maller- I’m bummed the dream team isn’t rolling out of this place together. We see eye to eye about virtually everything. Stay art and tell your friend Phil hey.
Drew- Kill it.
Luke- I just wish you liked my music taste as much as I like your mom’s cookies. Next spring — flying and Faegan’s?
Josh- I just wish we had more time to bond over VSCOCAM, but you fit into the house perfectly this semester. Oh and ALWAYS go into the bouncy house.
Spencer- Your happy-go-lucky demeanor and our harmonious music taste made working together a blast.
Margo- You’ve taken your role as photo editor in stride. We both know succeeding in photo is a lot about confidence, so trust your gut and if that doesn’t work, just remember what I told you. (See photo hanging over PD desk)
Kristen Parker, Lauren Murphy- I loved working with you guys and respect what you did when photo was down. You are unsung heroes.
Emma- D.O. to Europe is a go. We didn’t always agree on music selection, but thanks for lifting the design office with your pep.
Bre- I look back to designing next to you in News and bonding over Chobani. Being on the Board with you has been a highlight.
Meghin – Despite your touchy-feely tendencies, you haz been a supportive and great role model — professionally and alcoholically.
Jess- Your reporting skills and passion make me excited about News. I love your laugh, easygoingness and Jess facts.
Nicki– Mooo.
Maggie- I don’t think we’re gonna make it.
Ellen- Hip, hip, HOORAY!
Seegz- Baum so hard motherf*ckers want to find you. You express the frustration everyone feels about The D.O. but just contains inside. Libby, out.
Brett- The snack throwbacks and pre-pong stretching and observations got me through this semester. Love you like a sister! ONE, TWO.
Kat Kim- Featch was my gateway drug into The D.O. From Quidditch to the Slice is Right, designing for you inspired me to stick it out here and gave me the confidence to branch out. I miss your hospitality, but mostly your sangria.
Amrita- I always admired/was slightly intimidated by your no-bullsh*t attitude. Let’s hang out in Stamford this summer.
Colleen & Danielle- I consider myself a Feature Creature through and through thanks to you guys. Delta Omega lives on.
Jackie- You’re gonna be a rock star feature editor. Keep Pulp the sweet stuff in the middle. Know anyone I can talk to about being abroad columnist?
Kristin- When it’s 2 a.m. and it seemed like we’d never get out of here, there was always dancing and ad-officing. But in the future, let’s not make any more rash decisions in Sliders, OK?
Avery- You’re the sweetest, classiest and most stylish beer critic I know.
Erik- Back in our heyday,I loved designing in Pulp with you and sharing music. It was so great to be reunited with my fellow generational this semester.
Joe- You were really missed this semester. Keep rocking the argyle socks and chic sweatpants.
Sam Blum- Sorry for occasionally bullying you. Keep asking questions.
Iseman- When things were ridiculous, it was great to talk to you to bring me back down to reality.
Heyyyy Trevor- For two people whose skill sets couldn’t be anymore polarized, we are remarkable at bullsh*tting. Have an INCREDIBLE time in Boston. Never forget Media Cup 2014.
Phil- Your work ethic and quiet demeanor will serve you well as ASE. You earned it. Try to rein in Klinger and Jesse next semester.
Jesse- You’ve got a lot of ideas for improving sports and design; don’t become complacent and let me design your Pulitzer-winning book covers some day. Just remember you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take … or something like that.
Wilson-Thanks for teaching me about how football works during pregame graphics, and sorry for not retaining any of it. SEEYUH.
Jon- Somewhere between terrible Hart puns and your famous grilled cheeses, we hit it off. You also made a great house slave. Keep Kristen quiet.
Audrey- When I was told there was another Hart working in house I immediately assumed they would be the worst. To my surprise, we hit it off as the two house wanderers. Keep Sports and Brett in line next semester and I’ll see you with my freshly obtained bike riding experiences in the spring.
Hodge– Between Jane Austen, eggplant emojis, calf muscles, the Sneeze, smash it and bang it and “50 Shades of Grey,” you made this fall a blast. Also, I’ll be crashing at your flat in London.
Alfred- Despite being more rascal than lovable at some points, your antics reminded me of what’s important — touching the net. Baby don’t go. May the Alfred masthead live on, celebrate good times, come on.
Rachael Barillari- Your composure in handling situations like The Riddler is admirable and earns you an honorary design of the week.
Emmett, Andy, Micah & Cat-alie- I loved working with you all. You all have such distinct styles, but so much talent. Your self-reflective scribbles brought life to the paper.
Mike- Thanks for providing Wesley therapy this year. Sorry about the never-ending permission issues, vague phone calls and 4 a.m. Scotsman freak-outs.
Pete- May the Overheard in the Newsroom quotes live on. It was great to work with you the past few years. May Pete’s Attic become a reality.
Chris Voll- You are consistently the most valuable player.
Lara- You already know confidence is everything, so just skip right past survival mode, show ‘em who’s boss and kill it. I can’t wait to see everything you accomplish. Scoop a spoon of peanut butter in my honor.
Bailey- We are literally always on the same page about everything, especially the FP of the The Bailey Orange. You’ve become one of my best comrades this semester. See you at Chuck’s.
Annie- Between love strangles, Lizzie in the middle and just utter ridiculous bullsh*tting, you were number one. Honestly I’m more excited than anything to be actual friends with you in spring 2015. Wait, what?
Klinger: I’m not sure what drove you to call me of all people that night in April, but I believe it solidified our friendship. Expect lots of peanut butter creations spring 2015 in exchange for you acting as live-in chef this semester. Also, you better believe you’re gonna be the first person I call if I’m ever hospitalized ‘cause you know, one Hart.
Laurence- You were exactly what I needed as a first semester PD: the perfect D.O. mom and friend.
Mark- You taught me the most important lesson: College is a sham. Thanks for putting up with myMuse and Dixie Chicks playlists. You were a great father figure — still waiting for the zoo and ice cream though.
Dara- Remember during my design editor interview when I told you I wanted to work for the magazines? Thanks for listening to my issues and giving a totally new meaning to development editor and mentor. I’m still sorry for not reading the edit board.
K & B- No one on this earth understands me like you guys. You’re the most selfless and genuine people I know. I couldn’t have done the last three years without you. I have no idea what I did to deserve you both as my best friends.
Mom & Dad- I know it’s been hard for you to see your once sane, healthy, well-rested daughter turn into a sleep deprived slave to The D.O., but know it has been the best experience I’ve had here. Thank you for letting me pursue anything I’ve wanted.
Chase- From being that kid in PHO 301 who spent hours photoshopping post-it notes different colors, to one of my best friends — like it or not — I still don’t think we’re gonna make it to Buffalo. You’re an actual saint for putting up with my grumpy cat tendencies, winter break 2014 and Casey and my twin telepathy. Your passion, optimism and dedication is unmatched. Despite the frowns and eye rolls, I enjoyed the crap cake, toilet bowl quotes, Macklemore hour and scavenger hunts. And, “I’m sorry, Mr. Jones, it’s time.”
Casey- You’ve put up with my camp stories, peanut butter elitism and BOQ nights. I can’t thank you enough for reining me in and giving me a few hard no’s when they were called for. Standards, have them. Why are you my clarity? We’ve gotten through the photo groupie stage, the f*cking redesign, quitters and other such assh*les and anxiety attack-inducing events — remember the huddle? I can’t count — or without you, spell — the number of times I’ve been mistaken for you. I don’t know what that says about either of our wardrobes, but I do know there’s no one else I’d rather be confused with. Because, let’s face it: without you, I would’ve been writing this duck a long time ago.
D.O.ers past and present- Did you guys know I’m going to Copenhagen? Thanks for the amazing content that made all our designs sing and for helping the redesign become a reality. A wise man once told me, “Help is always given at The D.O. to those who ask.” I’ll just be a G-Chat (and an ocean) away if you ever need anything.
She gone.
Published on April 29, 2014 at 5:07 am