Duck: Chase Gaewski
Asst. Photo Editor | Fall 2012; Photo Editor | Fall 2012-2013; Managing Editor | Spring 2014

Natalie Riess | Art Director
When I took the photo editor position, I tossed the phone onto my bed because my hands were shaking. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
I reached for a whiteboard sitting under my bed and scribbled six words at the top: “Days I Last As Photo Editor.”
I hung the whiteboard next to my bed, and each night I came back from the office I added a tally. It was a personal challenge and a constant reminder to myself: never quit. Never stop trying.
But gradually the days blurred together. The nights grew longer, the hours more intense, the shoots more demanding. I would throw myself at my pillow and doze off to the thoughts of how I could improve my photo editing, my relationships with photographers, with designers … How I could improve the paper. Always how I could improve the paper.
The whiteboard grew dusty.
The number of days that I lasted at the D.O. never mattered. It was never about “lasting” or “surviving.” It has always been about the fact that night after night I loved what I did, I thrived on the challenges and, most importantly, I loved the people that pushed me to become what I am today, and here is my chance to thank them.
I keep forgetting to say this, but thank you for taking my editor-on spot during election coverage. I don’t know what I would had done without your help my first semester in house.
I still don’t know what compelled me to make that comment during pup food the first time I met you. But hey, I think we’re friends now, so I guess it worked — right? You pushed me to elevate photo to a new level and I know that you will hold those same expectations when you are in MGMT.
Thank you for being helping me through what will probably be known as the lowest point of my 20s (you know what I’m talking about). It was a pleasure seeing you grow as a writer and telling you to get your gun.
At the beginning the fall 2013 semester we chased after a siren that took us to the top of the Mount. You gave me a piece of advice up there that I won’t forget: “Be a f*cking journalist.” Your critical take on the paper, whether you realize it or not, moved the rock. Thank you for fighting the man — it pushed me to work harder every single day. Let’s be bros, man. Let’s be bros.
Seriously though, we went to Atlanta. I’ll see you at shloppendix, Dylan.
You’re what this news department needs and will do a phenomenal job as News Editor next semester. Stay confident, stay focused and enjoy the ride.
Ellen Meyers
In my four semesters at the D.O., I have never seen someone chase after sirens quite like you. I admire your enthusiasm and determination this past semester.
Jacob Pramuk
After carrying you back from Maddy’s house that one night, somehow I feel like we bonded. Then I broke your boat. In all seriousness, your presence in News this semester made even the most challenging nights fun to work through.
Your ability to churn out stories night after night blows me away. Stay positive — It keeps the office alive, even during the toughest nights.
You’ve done a great job jumping into the D.O. halfway through the semester. I’m thrilled to hear that you’re coming back for round two — you are a valuable asset to the News team.
Thank you for your hard work this semester. You are a talented writer and will kill it in the marching band next semester.
I think I can finally say, “We’re done here.” I can’t emphasize enough just how much I enjoyed working with you. Now, I’ll consider this the most public declaration: let’s catch up at Chuck’s?
You made Pulp the most musical it’s ever been. There was never a dull moment working with you.
The only thing I regret was that I didn’t get to know you sooner. You’re a ridiculously talented writer and I’m certain that our paths will cross again.
Your transition from Asst. Copy, to Feature Editor, to Editor in Chief is beyond inspiring. I couldn’t be more excited to see where you will take this paper. I may be just a washed up veteran thousands of miles across the world next semester, but I’ll only be an email away. Help will always be there for those who need it.
I’ve only known you for a short time, but I’m confident that you’re going to do a phenomenal job as Feature Editor. Hold on to that drive you showed us in your interview.
I can’t thank you enough for coming back. I greatly appreciated our cross-country conversations, pit battles, SXSW adventures and mac brainstorming sessions (I’ll admit, Pawn stars was golden).
The fact that you came back halfway through this semester and are coming back for a third round commands a certain level of respect. I can’t wait to see what you do in Feature next semester.
You came into your interview passionate about people. I know that this semester was just the start and I am eager to see what you will produce abroad.
It’s not often that you find someone who fights for the front page as often as you did. And although you made things challenging, it made me respect you all the more.
I greatly appreciated your patience and helpfulness throughout the season. There has always been this strange animosity between photo and sports. Somehow I think we broke that.
Mark & Laurence
I remember leaving my interview for Asst. Photo Editor shaking. I wanted that job so badly. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the point that I made about elevating everyone around me to the next level would be a motif for the next two years. You allowed me to figure out what photo editing could be and pushed me to turn the department into something to be proud of. I can’t thank you enough for hiring me. Your decision changed my life.
When in doubt, Jesse, you know what to do. Go tight or go home. On a serious note — your passion and enthusiasm for The D.O. is a powerful tool. I am confident that you will do even better as Sports Editor.
You are a hell of a writer — I thoroughly enjoyed reading your columns. I expect to see your work from Boston and think to myself: ‘Incredible. Incredible.’
Sam Blum
I was always excited to read your stories. Your work is purposeful and that’s something that can sometimes get lost in the day to day. Stay curious, ask questions and give me my source back, you f*ck.
Whether you recognize it or not, your writing has steadily improved throughout this semester. I’m thrilled to hear that you are coming back and I can’t wait to see what you do for the section as an assistant.
I remember transitioning as a freshman and being incredibly intimidated by everyone in the office. I had no idea what I was getting myself into — but it was OK because you were that awesome upperclassman that was there to help me along the way. Thank you for being there when I needed you.
My interview was terrible and I wasn’t much of a photographer, so I’m not exactly sure why you hired me. But I’m definitely grateful for it. It was a pleasure working with you.
Sam Maller
It’s crazy to think about how you were that talented freshman shooting soccer so long ago. Mallar? Mallor? I got it right eventually — seriously though, I was responsible for both of those corrections in the paper. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime as photo editor. Thank you for pushing me to elevate this paper to a new level visually.
I still owe you something like eight Chipotle, right? It’s still a testament to how much I overworked you — seriously though, sorry about that. I am thrilled to see that you’ve found your niche in video and it was a pleasure adventuring to Atlanta with you. I’ll see you at Shloppindix.
The amount that you have grown as a photographer and as a person blows my mind. And the incredible part is that I know that you’ve got so much farther to go. When the nights dragged on, sh*t hit the fan and stories dropped, I would want to smash my head through the window. But you, and your ridiculous amount of enthusiasm and passion for what you do, kept me sane.
You’ve grown as a photographer and as a photo editor, but don’t forget: you’re only as good as your last paper. And you’ve got plenty ahead of you. I’m confident that the department is in the right hands. And if things get tough — I’m just a g-chat away.
So glad you worked here this semester. Thank you for keeping me sane and telling it how it is. You killed it this semester, now let’s go take London.
Always enter the bouncy house. Always. Even if you get your church clothes a little dirty. Thank you for stepping in this semester, and I hope that we cross paths again in the future.
Chelsea Stahl, Yuki Mizuma, Zixi Wu, Ziniu Chen, Jenny Jakubowski, Nate Shron
There is no way I would have survived these past two years without your help. All of you are phenomenally talented, and it was an honor to work with you. I hope our paths cross again in the future.
It’s rare to find someone that loves what they do as much as you, and I think that’s why we worked so well together. There is no way I would have lasted as long as I have if it wasn’t for you. You’ve made this paper look incredible night after night. It’s been a long ride, Lizzie, but I think we’ve made it.
Thank you so much for helping me make it through my first semester. Seriously though, I was all over the place. But if you weren’t there, I don’t know what we would have done. It was a pleasure to work with you, despite the fact that you pegged me as a racist d*ckhead.
You’re eagerness to try new things and move the rock with your designs is beyond impressive. I was always excited to see what you would have up your sleeve.
You are one of the most focused, efficient and talented designers I’ve worked with at The D.O. Never stop asking yourself how you can take your work to the next level. You’ve done a phenomenal job so far, and I think you and I both know it’s just the beginning.
I’ve always respected your ability to keep calm and focused under some of the most stressful situations. Checking your pages were one of my favorite parts of the night because you made them your own. Never settle; complacency is the enemy. Make this paper the best that it can be, because I know you can.
You are hands down the most enthusiastic and genuinely happy person I’ve ever met. Your talent and can-do attitude brought life to the house to the long, late, jarring nights.
In just a semester I’ve seen your work grow incredibly fast. Design may not be your focus now, but you did hell of a job. Best of luck writing — I’ll be reading.
Thank you for your energy, liveliness and spunk, Chloe. I mean Clare. F*ck. Sorry about mixing you up all the time In all seriousness — you’ve got a future here at The D.O. and I can’t wait to see what you do in Feature next semester.
I remember reading Snarlbear while looking over your portfolio and thinking “Hire this girl.” You’re incredibly talented and fun to work with. The next Art Director has some big shoes to fill.
Your ability to power through miles and miles of stories throughout the night is mind blowing. Even more so — you do it each night with infectious energy and enthusiasm. Lace up, Audrey. I’ll see you at next year’s Oregon marathon.
Even when there didn’t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel, you somehow had the ability to waltz into our office and remind us that everything would be OK. Thank you so much for being there when I needed you.
You are ridiculously talented and I still can’t believe how lucky the paper is to have you. Thank you for killing it this semester. You have set a standard for years to come.
This is it, Casey. We gave all that we could to this paper: figuratively and literally sweat, tears and blood. I can’t thank you enough for pushing me to be something that I never thought I could be. Your passion for this paper and determination throughout the long nights is beyond inspirational. It was a pleasure to be not just your Photo Editor or Managing Editor for these past two years, but also your friend. We may be leaving this paper, but we will never fully leave. We’ve left a mark here beyond what we can see — and it wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Mom & Dad
There’s absolutely no way I would have been able to make it through these last four semesters without your help. Thank you for your constant support.
This has been a hell of a ride Dan, and I’m sorry I wasn’t much of a roommate for the last four semesters. I can’t thank you enough for your patience and for keeping me sane night after night. You’re going to do great, hilarious things in L.A. and I hope that once we are back in Syracuse for the final stretch, we can be real roommates.
Published on April 29, 2014 at 5:14 am