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Duck: Annie Palmer

Asst. News Editor | Fall 2013; News Editor | Spring 2014

Natalie Riess | Art Director

I really had no idea how to start this off. I can only describe the friendships I’ve made, sleepless nights I’ve endured and my hopeless devotion to The D.O. in one way. So in true “hipster” fashion, here are some Arcade Fire lyrics:

“If I could have it back, all the time that we wasted

I’d only waste it again

If I could have it back, you know I’d love to waste it again

Waste it again and again and again “

In truth, none of my time was ever wasted at The D.O. From the first story I wrote as a freshman, to my last days as News Editor, I wouldn’t change a thing. To all of you who made my time what it was, cheers.

Lindsay, Mara, Clare and Chloe

You’re my girls. I can’t wait to have more drunken moments with you guys next year.

Jon and Nick

You two are my annoying but lovable brothers. Never change.


I know I just told you this, but I really wish you weren’t graduating this year. Your sense of style and music taste is impeccable. Don’t forget to stay turnt at the function.

Vandy and Joe

You guys are my Featch bros. Vandy, keep on uppin’ the punx. Joe, I’m so sad you weren’t in house longer, but I’m so glad I got to know you.


Thank you for covering all of those USen meetings within 2 hours notice. You’re one of the most talented editors I know.

Marwa and Liz

I remember when I barely knew you guys beyond your names and just looking up to you both so much. I still do, but now I know you for being the rad, hilarious and all around great people you are.


Thanks for making me fight for the front page. Keep on keepin’ it real with everything you do.

My Newsteam

Ellen, I’m so proud of you. You have enthusiasm and determination that’s hard to deny. Brett, you truly put the team on your back. I know we had a lot of hard nights, but your jokes kept us going. I was so lucky to have you as an assistant. Jacob, I don’t know how I managed to rope you in as an assistant, but I’m so glad you joined. You kept me focused and gave me insight whenever I needed it. Thank you for your hard work.


You kill it at everything you do — you’re just the last person to realize it. Be more confident in yourself and everything else will fall into place. And don’t worry, I’ll be around.

Maggz and Michelle

I love you ladies so much. Maggz, you’re both my voice of reason and my criminal mastermind. Michelle, from COM 117 to drinking beers in a back alley, here’s to more debauchery in the White House next year.

Nicki and Jess

Nicki, thanks for all the story ideas this semester and for driving me and Seegz to that stake out. Jess, I remember you edited my first story with me, and now you’re gonna be News Editor. The section’s in your hands now, but we all knew you were “born to run” it.


You’re honestly one of my favorite people at the D.O. We went to freaking Austin, man — don’t forget that. I’m really going to miss you next semester, but I know you’ll have a really, really, really good time with Drifter Jakov in London.


I’m so glad we got closer this semester. You’re so dedicated to this paper and so talented at what you do. I feel like we’re going to be friends for a long time — even when we’re hip 30-year olds decked out in Madewell.


I truly wouldn’t be at The D.O. if it weren’t for you. I know we had moments where we wanted to kill each other this semester, but through it all, I know I’m still your little advisee and you’re my big sister.


Thanks for being there for me this semester and for teaching me the ways of the court system. Sorry we couldn’t make it to that Slayer concert, but maybe we can catch Hevisaurus sometime. #FreeShinobi


I look up to you so much. You pushed me to be more confident in my writing and write faster. Thanks for putting up with me as an assistant, even when I thought it was a good idea to knit in the newsroom. I can’t thank you enough for your support.


I don’t know how we came together, but it’s one the strangest and best things I could have imagined. You made me realize that sometimes you just need to laugh it off — whatever it is — and believe in myself. Thank you for being you and for letting me be me.

Mom and Teddy

I’m sorry I’ve been so unpredictable this semester, whether it be my moods or my schedule, but I hope you understand why. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your love and support, and for that I’m forever grateful.

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