Duck: Maddy Berner

Andy Casadonte | Art Director
If you know me at all, you know that I love a lot of things. I consider my own and past staffs to be some of the most talented and driven people I’ve ever met. I just like making sure each of you know it. So here’s my last chance to do it. To share the love.
Dara: We met when you edited my first article and tore it to pieces. Then we met again the night of the Bernie Fine allegations, when you hired me. Thank you for doing so and bringing me into this incredible house.
Meghin: I turned to you when making the decision to apply to work here, and I’m glad I did. Thanks for everything.
Becca: Your infectious happiness was one of the main reasons I wanted to be a part of The D.O. I’m so glad you stayed on to become someone I constantly loved to talk to.
Katie & Kathleen: Your emails were stern and critical, but we needed that feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to help us when we asked, and even when we didn’t.
Laurence: You were literally my leader — from assistant copy editor, to copy chief, to managing editor. Thanks for being a tough predecessor to follow.
Mark: Your patience and guidance were so helpful this semester. Whether we took your advice or not, I appreciated the time you took in providing it. Six months, 3,000 miles later and you still love this paper more than anyone I know.
Liz: My first boss — thank you for your hard work in-house and your fierce passion outside of it. Most of all, thanks for letting me be a part of a newsroom that would include some of my closest friends.
Bouv: When I started working here, you became the mama bear to us baby bears. You were a leader who spoke her mind — two very admirable qualities. Good luck in your next endeavor.
Bre: I would have gone mad if I wasn’t able to see you this semester. You were a breath of fresh air amid all the stress. I’m happy to know we’ll be hanging out more often next semester.
Rachael: My girl, through and through. For more than a year, we’ve been partners and girlfriends. You are going to KILL IT in Baltimore next year. Matt is a lucky guy.
Marwa: I have so much appreciation for you. I’m so happy that we had each other in GRA 217, then in News, and now. I eagerly await the spring, when we will kick ass writing great stories together.
Anna: You were a glimmering star that became a blazing comet. You’ve grown a lot, and there’s still so much left for you to accomplish. See ya around, kiddo. I’m proud of ya.
Samar: You ROCK for stepping up to the plate this semester. You are good at what you do, and such a kind-hearted person. Best of luck in 2014 and beyond.
Andy: You are so unbelievably talented — I wish I could repeat that line 1,000 more times. Everything you produce is just stunning and I want to put you in my pocket so you can draw anything I want at any moment.
Sam: You have scarily good talent behind that camera. Use your amazing skills to bring Photo to its next level of greatness. Take amazing photos, but help others do it, too.
Spence: You were a ball of hilarity this semester. Thank you for the laughs, but also your help with assignments. You are a great photographer — please keep shooting for us.
Luke: #DOtoATL forever and forever. Your presence in the house always makes me happy.
Michelle: Thanks for stepping up and giving D.O. social media a personality. I hope you come back in some capacity next semester.
Chris: Your web skills were needed and you delivered, especially with Sports. Thank you.
Kristin: Pulp was always a fun place to be this semester, and it was because of your giggly personality. You created a little family, one that worked very hard to produce content that was fun to read. I hope we can still hang out after our time in house.
Katie: I’m so happy you became part of our D.O. family. Your smile, optimism and humor were readily welcomed and will be horribly missed.
Joe: Pulp needs a facelift, and I firmly believe you are the person to bring the section into a new era. I trust you and your talent immensely. Make some magic down in Featch.
Lara: You are not only hilarious, but beautiful, too. I was thrilled to hear you wanted to come back to Pulp — it needs your laid-back, smiley personality.
Jessica: You have been the sweetest gem since you walked into Pulp’s office. Thank you for being that person.
Sports: In the last two years, I’ve learned a lot from everyone that’s worked in the Sports office. I appreciate the patience and passion from each of you.
Klinger: It was a delight working with you this summer, and I’m sorry we couldn’t continue that relationship into the semester.
David: You ran a tight, great ship of guys who wanted to make Sports the best it could be, and I think Sports has become a warm, welcoming section as a result. You are talented, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for you. See you down in the DMV.
Stephen: Your passion for DOSports is unparalleled. I can see it whenever we fight over a headline and in Marwa’s eyes because she’s mad she doesn’t see you enough. It’s because you’re at 744. Your time has come.
Trevor: Your bursts of witty humor are sometimes the best parts of my night, and that personality definitely comes out in your work. You keep writing and I’ll keep reading.
Phil: Silent but deadly — that’s how I would describe you. You’re a very good copy editor and a very, very good writer. The best part? I know you have so much talent left to share.
Jesse: You should know you’re one of the most talented writers and reporters in this house. Find the sports stories that will bring Sports back into the golden era.
Meredith: Mer Mer — I simply can’t NOT laugh when I’m around you. You should be proud of how much you’ve grown as News Editor. You’re leaving this house a mature leader who riled her young staff into a well-oiled and cohesive machine. Let’s go curvy-girl shopping together some time.
Annie: My little fashionista-reporter-badass hybrid. You are a great writer and will do amazingly as News Editor. Remember to think big and brilliant when it comes to bettering your section.
Alfred: Your passion for news is evident every time you step into my office with a new idea. I know you will report the shit out of something in my absence. I can’t wait for that byline.
Maggie: You have absolutely blossomed in your role as assistant news editor. Your commitment and talent makes me think you were meant to be here all along.
Seegs: You are, hands down, the most passionate reporter we have on staff. I hope you continue to dig up and follow stories outside of the house. We need you.
Jocelyn: From Madrid to The D.O.! Glad to have you on our team.
Ankur: You’ve always been there through every merciless joke and late-night redesign. You’ve always been the constant; the part of D.O. history that’s remained in the present. I envy your patience, humor and unbridled talent. The paper is losing someone so unbelievably special. You deserve everything for which you’ve worked.
Mara, Chloe, Clare, Lindsay: You guys are the new faces of the design department, and that excites me to no end. Each of you has exhibited tremendous talent and potential to learn more along the way. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Never lose it.
Family: I’m sorry I didn’t call enough. Even though I can rarely talk for long, please know that I appreciated every time you did call.
My dear, dear non-D.O. friends: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for accepting me in this position and never complaining about my absence. You were excited to see me when I was free, but so understanding when I wasn’t. Second semester is going to be incredible.
Chase: When Casey told me how excited you were when she hired you, I knew I was making the right decision. That passion is what this paper needs, and only you can deliver it. When you’re stressed, just know the influence you have, not just over the young writers and photographers below you, but over this amazing campus. Best of luck. I’m always here to help.
Lizzie: You give this paper a face, a smile and a reason for people to pick it up every morning. I cannot explain in enough words my admiration for your tireless work ethic and dedication to The D.O. But most importantly, you’ve become a very close friend and one I never want to lose.
Casey: Meredith told me that after head eds a couple of weeks ago, you broke down crying over how much you’d miss me next semester. I promise I’m not going anywhere. Not after all the time we’ve spent ranting about boys, clothes and Spanish class. Not after you had my back during my allergy attacks and when I had yours when you were sick a couple of weeks ago. We are a team. Queens of The D.O. and of NOVA. I’m so sorry to be leaving, but I have the utmost faith in you.
With love and red lipstick,