Starbucks, grocery store in Campus West accept SUpercard

Ali Mitchell | Contributing Photographer
The grocery store in the new Campus West apartment lobby opened for the beginning of second semester, The store and the new Starbucks accept SUpercard Food money.
A Starbucks location and grocery store accepting SUpercard Food money opened in the newly renovated Campus West apartments, just in time for the start of the spring semester.
The Brewster/Boland/Brockway Complex lobby was filled with students carrying Starbucks coffee cups the first few days back from Winter Break.
Many students were surprised to learn of the new additions, since they hadn’t seen much advertising for them.
“There was only a small sign outside of Brewster with the logo and an arrow pointing in the direction of the store,” said Ella D’Amico, a freshman biology major. “It’s such a nice convenience, but it took me a few days to catch on to the new location. I found out through friends.”
The idea for the grocery store and Starbucks shop was born out of convenience for students who are farther away from other coffee locations on campus, as BBB is on the far edge of campus, said Lynne Mowers, secretary to the director of Syracuse University Food Services.
The grocery store has more than 2,000 name-brand products ranging from laundry products to fresh produce and seasonal produce provided by local farms, according to the SU Food Services website.
The opening of the new stores has been in the making for two years, and Mower said she is happy students are excited about the new addition and are spreading the news.
Mowers said in an email the new addition came about when SU Food Services started looking to add more food options to West Campus. With the growth and expansion happening due to construction, it seemed like the ideal time to look for a way to add services and give students something different, she said.
The Starbucks and grocery store join three other convenience stores on campus that accept SUpercard Food and Plus money: FoodWorks in the basement of Graham Dining Center, Food Works II in Ernie Davis Hall and South Campus Express in the Goldstein Student Center, Mowers said.
Starbucks was chosen after conducting research on customer feedback, Mowers said.
“From time to time we review our offerings to be sure we are in touch with current trends. We regularly survey our customers for feedback on products and services,” she said.
Customers have repeatedly suggested Starbucks as a new campus offering, she said, and the opportunity to expand services to West Campus seemed like the right time to begin a partnership with the company.
Abby Rosenblum, a sophomore broadcast and digital journalism major and employee with SU Food Services, said she was excited to start her new job as a grocery store cashier.
“It’s such a nice place for students to have nearby. It takes me two minutes to walk to work and so far the lines have been nothing,” Rosenblum said. “I wish they had this last semester.”
Published on January 21, 2013 at 11:27 pm
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