Daily Archives: November 13, 2012

Slack: For short cab ride from Chuck’s home, students must become more respectful of cab drivers
I hate a guilt trip. Those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials, a homeless man asking me for a ride to Anaheim (true story), a friend using… Read more »
College Democrats: Curtis' ideals aligns with group's on how government should work
After much debate, the College Democrats at Syracuse University have decided to endorse Allie Curtis for Student Association president. We felt that two candidates —… Read more »

Let's hear it for the boys: British phemonemon One Direction brings back boy band appeal
Boy bands: You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them. The new wave of boy band has gone in a new direction… Read more »

As states legalize marijuana usage, experts discuss the possibility for New York
On Election Night, Colorado and Washington state legalized recreational use of marijuana, indicating that the drug may be finding more acceptance in the U.S. The… Read more »