Ale to the Chief: A presidential debate drinking game
Graphic Illustration by Ankur Patankur | Presentation Director
It is that time in the course of election season when the presidential candidates bring their debating skills to the forefront of public attention. President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney will use these opportunities to promote their own beliefs and belittle those of their opponent’s.
But after an hour and a half of political debating, things can get a little tedious for the average viewer. Nothing spices up a presidential debate viewing party like a good old-fashioned drinking game, complete with rules catered to these two candidates’ habits.
Take a sip if…
- Obama says the word “Benghazi” or “Libya”
- Obama says “let me be clear”
- Mitt Romney says the phrase “act of terror”
- Romney says “private sector”
- Either of the candidates goes over his allotted two minutes
- Either candidate completely ignores the question and talks about something else
- The moderator unsuccessfully cuts off the candidates
Finish your drink if…
- Obama says he killed Osama bin Laden
- The phrase “binders full of women” is mentioned
- Either candidate talks about George W. Bush
Take a shot if…
- Either candidate mentions his upbringing
- Big Bird is brought up
- Candidates compliment each other
- The phrase “trickle-down government” is used
- The camera pans to Ann Romney or Michelle Obama
Shotgun a beer if…
- Obama says the word “malarkey”
- Romney and Obama touch
-Compiled by The Daily Orange Feature Staff
Published on October 22, 2012 at 2:58 am